Ofo has just shut down its international division as they prepare for bankruptcy. The dockless bike-sharing start-up which showed such initial promise now seems to be ready to accept their fate. Millions of Chinese Ofo users have since applied for refunds of their...
1. Chinese Marketing Trends For 2019 Take into account lowered tiered cities in China. As Chinese consumers of 1st tiered Chinese cities become apathetic to International brands there is an increasing excitement amongst the 3rd and 4th tired cities. According to...
Conducting market research in China is not an easy feat. In this article we discuss some of the geographical barriers to conducting accurate market research and how they can be overcome. Where should one conduct market research in China? Chinese cities are Tiered In...
China Consumer Market Research is a must! Chinese online stores have stopped selling Dolce & Gabbana after apparent racism from the co-founder and a dubiously culturally insensitive video at best. Rule number one for conducting business in China is understanding...
Doing business in China cannot be compared to doing business in any other country and so one must prepare by taking on the advice of those who have experience of operating in the Chinese market. Below are some areas which need to be taken into consideration when doing...
Living in China in 2008 is very different to living in China in 2018. If you have not been to China within the last 5 years you are in for a shock. Here David Joseph CEO of Hub of China discusses what he notices when walking the streets of any 1st or 2nd tier city in...